General Description:
A sturdy red container with a top-mounted carrying handle, a fist-sized opening, and a stubby spout; both openings have screw-on lids. Metal gasoline cans are tougher than plastic ones.
Found in detached garages and toolsheds. Sold by home centers and auto parts stores and available from tool hire stores. Distinguish red gas cans from blue kerosene cans by their color.
Primary Use:
Filling the fuel tanks of gasoline-powered equipment such as lawn mowers, leaf blowers, chain saws, snow throwers, and even cars. Mad Max and other petrol-powered postapocalypse road-warrior movies not withstanding, gasoline is perishable and may go bad within six months, so do not store more than you have an immediate need for.
Secondary Uses:
None. To avoid potentially disastrous mishaps, gas cans must not be used for anything other than gasoline, and gasoline must not be stored in anything other than a red gas can.
Gas cans range in size from 1 gallon (3.8 l, or about twice the size of your head) up to 5 gallons (19 l, or about the size of your torso). Some models have a long screw-on spout.
Safety Note:
Because gasoline is volatile, flammable stuff, gas cans should not be stored in the house or attached garage, kept in the trunk of the car, or in the hot sun. Store the gas can in a detached garage or garden shed.
How to Use:
1. Bring the gas can to the power equipment, preferably outdoors.
2. Open the filler cap on the equipment.
3. Open the spout on the gas can.
4. Loosen the larger filler lid on the can so air can enter, otherwise the gas will splash.
5. Lift the can and position the spout over the equipment’s gas inlet.
6. Tilt the can so the gasoline flows into the equipment. Sometimes the can and the equipment are not compatible—a funnel can make the connection.
7. Put the can down flat. Replace the equipment’s filler cap and close the can’s two caps.
Tool-Kit Minimum:
If you have gasoline-powered machinery, you need a gasoline can.