SEO Information

This site has lots of information about SEO and Search Engine optimisation in general

SEO Information

This site has lots of information about SEO and Search Engine optimisation in general

Tailor to shoppers, not search engines

Make sure you have clean, short, descriptive URLs. Descriptive means keyword-rich but not keyword-stuffed. There are other things that you can do to get contextual links, such as guest bloggingand mentioning other sites in your content (and letting them know about it). A number of challenges have to be successfully passed in order to create a successful multilingual site that ranks well with Google. Increase visibility to new content you create by sharing it on social networks and building links to your content (both internally and from external sites).

High advertisement ratio

Don't go overboard with your internal linking or you risk overwhelming the reader. One or two relevant links per post is usually a good maximum, with more in longer posts. Backlinks are the foundation to Google’s algorithm. Once you have a good site structure in place, you need to focus on acquiring backlinks. When dealing with search engines, the term ‘relevance‘ describes the extent to which the content of a website corresponds to the search term used. The world is always changing, and you have to keep up. If you do, the rewards can be great.

Landing page experience

When you are brought on to handle the SEO for a particular website, one of the first things you need to find out is which SEO activities have previously been attempted Google normally takes into account bounce rate and the time spent on a site as ranking factors. If visitors are bouncing away due to navigation confusion and poor content structure, you can be sure that the search bots are too. Links back to your site from elsewhere online are an important way to improve your search ranking; Keyword research is the basis of all search marketing. It is the art of explaining what you do in the language that people use, and thus it should probably be the basis of all your marketing activities, both on and off the web.

Preserve Your Valuable Links

Google has always encouraged webmasters to make their primary focus one of providing a good user experience. As the algorithm gets “smarter”, websites that do so are positioned to benefit the most. High-speed keyword research is keyword research that’s focused on quickly assessing which words are most viable to optimize website texts for. Without doing proper keyword research, your content SEO strategy could well be completely worthless. It helps the search engines quickly determine what the page is about. According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "Social shares are important because they help your blog post get discovered, so getting more shares and Retweets on social media networks is never a bad thing for your SEO efforts."

Tailor to shoppers, not search engines

Technical SEO is an often misunderstood discipline that many find difficult to pin down in exact terms. Optimise your website content for the best organic reach possible. Overfed with countless advice making things look simple and obvious, webmasters often rely on their intuition, common sense, or gut feelings when it comes to SEO… and they often fail. What Google wants to see is authoritative and relatable links talking about your site.

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