SEO Information

This site has lots of information about SEO and Search Engine optimisation in general

SEO Information

This site has lots of information about SEO and Search Engine optimisation in general

Toxic links and their cure

In the early days of SEO, you could get a site to rank fairly easily by buying a bunch of low-quality backlinks, keyword stuffing (including the same keyword on a page a bunch of times), or by buying a domain address (website name) that exactly matched the keyword you wanted to rank for. The “title tags”, or the title of a blog post, is one of the crucial aspects when it comes to getting a better ranking on search engine result pages. The title tags not only tell search engines what your web page is all about, but also leave the first impression on the people who see your post title in the search results. Your website is one of your most important pieces of digital equity, and one of the fundamental components of a successful local marketing stack. Vertical search is the term people sometimes use for specialty or niche search engines that focus on a limited data set. Examples of vertical search solutions provided by the major search engines are image, video, news, and blog searches. The more webpages use the same keyword to point to a subpage, the more signals the search engine will receive indicating that this landing page must be very relevant for this keyword. This in turn means that the page will be ranked better for this and other similar keywords.

Group keywords by conversion funnel stages

You can speed up the process of getting useful links by connecting with content curators. Another tip is to make sure you do your research and examine which terms to target before you set out. Search engines are invested in providing users a great mobile experience. Once you understand what a user might be looking for when searching for a certain term, the next step is to tailor your content and on-page optimizations to fit the needs of the searcher. According to Google, natural links leading back to your site are definitely something to strive for.

Optimize from tail to head

Organizations should take many factors into account when pursuing an SEO strategy. If you uncover duplicate content, check the organic traffic for each of your product page variations in Google Analytics. Sometimes knowing why you’re doing something can make all the difference. SEO in Market Weighton is here. In the early days of SEO, it was the quantity, not quality of links that mattered. “Link building” consisted of mass spamming and buying of links, online directory submissions, building bad links, mass commenting on sites and blogs and using automated link bait. Certain words present an ongoing challenge for the search engines. One of the greatest challenges comes in the form of disambiguation.

Search Console shows your average position for each keyword

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Users searching for your site on Google might not necessarily want to land on your homepage. Sitelinks on the SERP provide them with a direct link to other parts of your site which might be more relevant to them." Sometimes the best way to get links is not to ask for them. That doesn't mean you should sit back, do nothing and wait for links to appear. Spend time creating content and making your site as attractive and easy to link to as possible. Lets go a little deeper as to the relevance of authority. As everybody knows, Search Engines are the moderators of the Internet. The search engine spider crawls the Internet finding billions of new pages, indexes them and then matches each web page to the relevant search query Search engines also assess, in great detail, the technical aspects of your website. For example, how quickly the site loads plays a major role in your website ranking. Search engines also take into account how accessible your server is. Because, ultimately, Google and other search engines want to provide the best possible search results. So, the aim is to guide visitors to sites which work well, and which can always be accessed and used. Always remember that the success of link building, along with advanced strategies such as the Skyscraper technique, depends on an effective outreach strategy.

Audit Your Site To Improve It’s Performance

For me internal linking is one of the most undervalued aspects of SEO, with many sites having inefficient menus and/or poor site structures. One of the best ways to get links when you’re first starting out is to ask people you know to link to your site from their site using a target keyword as the anchor text -- the text being used as the link to your site. Use your network of customers, partners, vendors, and even friends/family around the world to link to your site, and ask them to link to the right locale site. A focus on the formatting of your page can facilitate the crawling for search engines, while it also enhances the readability for your readers. Just like you should interview others, seize opportunities to be interviewed, no matter how small the audience is. The 5-600 words that take you 15-20 minutes can turn into a few highly authoritative contextual links. Search drives an incredible amount of both online and offline economic activity.

Toxic links and their cure

Analytics tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ryte and HubSpot enable you to examine many important details about your website and its usage. For example, the HubSpot tool can identify which organic keywords are already driving traffic to your website. The same is true of Google Search Console, which is free. These keywords create a good base of core keywords and give you a list of keywords that you can use to measure the performance of your future SEO efforts. Optimizing a blog is very similar to optimizing a website, and optimizing a blog post similar to optimizing a web page. But depending on the blogging service or software you use, the results may look somewhat different. Having asitemap for your website plays a crucial role in SEO. It helps Google easily crawl your pages and index your website. Research other business websites and encourage them to link to your site. Joint ventures are a good way to exchange links and benefit each other’s business as well. Since Google is the number one search engine in the world, it is the leader in determining which websites are the most relevant for search words and terms.

Create great content consistently

Having an appropriate title will increase traffic to your site. The placement of keywords in your title has a huge impact on determining where a search engine will place your site. The page’s title should include some of your site’s keywords to increase your ranking in the search engines. A simple site map page with links to all of the pages or the most important pages (if you have hundreds or thousands) on your site can be useful. Creating an XML Sitemap file for your site helps ensure that search engines discover the pages on your site. Writing for your customers is the key to success. Do your thorough keyword research and create articles and content that is optimized for SEO, and something your readers would love to read. Use keyword research tools to select an appropriate list of keywords that would work well for your content. Top-ranking webpages in Google have shorter URLs. A great way to up your SEO in a general sense is to regularly update your site with quality long-form content. This could be in the form of a video, a podcast, or more commonly, a blog.

Web 2.0 indexing - is it right for you?

Besides studying your web analytics data and using keyword research tools, there is another very simple research method: Use the search engine itself to do keyword research. But here’s the thing: it takes time for search engines to discover (and index) new websites. Google’s featured snippets, also known as “position zero” on the SERP, can be a great opportunity to get one over your competitors in search results. Dramatic growth in the interaction between offline and online marketing necessitates investment by organizations of all kinds in a successful search strategy. Does having keywords in your domain URL benefit your search ranking? This topic has often been debated up and down the years. The consensus is that they are a ranking factor, albeit a small one – but small can still make a difference in the grand scheme of things.

The most time consuming aspect is coding changes to the site

Stay on top of relevant trends, create “how-to” blog posts, and frequently update older content to make sure you’re continuing to serve your audience with useful and timely information even after it’s initially published. The ability for a piece of content to earn natural links that positively contribute to a website’s link graph is directly proportional to that contents value. In other words, the more valuable the piece of content is, the easier it will be to earn high-value links and increase Google traffic. Conversely, the less valuable a piece of content is, the harder it will be to earn links. While you want your sentences and paragraphs to be short, your overall content can be as long as you fancy – in-depth content is a big indicator of quality. Are you looking for SEO Advice? Link building is still an important part of your company’s SEO strategy. Instead of trying to get as many links as possible, proper link building now focuses on relationship building and by providing valuable information. Google knows that if a page takes too long to load, visitors are likely to click away or go back. Now, Google tends to place other factors above site speed, but while it’s not the number one factor, if your site loads slowly it’s definitely something you will want to address.

Easy to read and digest

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Keyword research represents the very foundation of your SEO campaign and when done properly, keywords can drive traffic and rankings for your web pages. Keywords represent terms and phrases people type as search queries to find local businesses." When your website or website’s content gets shared on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+, and YouTube, it is considered a social signal or citation. In simple words, International SEO is the effort of localisation of your content and website in order to attract relevant local visitors in the countries you are entering. Don’t let ego fuel your obsession with keyword rankings. And remember that your personal search experience is not necessarily what your prospective customers see. People won't link to your content unless they see it. At the same time, you need the right people in front of your content; not everyone is a potential linker.

Estimate your contents longevity

Cramming popular search terms into your blog isn’t enough anymore, businesses need to spend time creating meaningful copy. For years SEOs have focussed on the sharp end of the funnel. and for good reason: the search terms with transactional intent bring in revenue. Let’s be clear, these search terms should remain a staple of any website focussed on ROI. Google Search Console Help Center has a set of instructions that you can follow on how to build and submit a sitemap. If you have a WordPress site, though, you can sit back and relax as a sitemap is already automatically generated and submitted to search engines for you. Optimise your website content for the best organic reach possible. An important aspect of SEO is making your website easy for both users and search engine robots to understand.

Create great content consistently

Currently more than half of searches account for mobile devices. Monitoring tools are a huge part of ensuring only quality links are connected to your site, and give you an easy way to remove any negative or potentially harmful ones. Your title tag needs to be written for humans – as in it needs to make logical sense, rather than a keyword stuffed mess. The title tag will appear in a variety of places, from SERPs, to a social share, to the browser tab, so make sure it’s relevant and readable. Try and write blog content for external websites, which will link back to your website and boost your domain authority. Backlinks are the foundation of Google’s algorithm. Social signals may not play a direct role in ranking your site. But social shares generate more eyeballs on your content. And the more eyeballs you get, the more likely someone is to link to you.

Web 2.0 indexing is great for backlinks

It is important to note that search and offline behavior have a heavy degree of interaction, with search playing a growing role in driving offline sales. Measuring the results of SEOchanges can be challenging, partly because there are so many moving parts and partly because months can elapse between when changes are made to a site and when results are seen in search rankings and traffi Most SEO’s (and dare i say internet marketers) fall victim to optimizing too heavily for traffic, and not conversion. Knowing where to find goodkeywords and the proper way to work them into a website’s copy is important, but it’s only a small part of Search Engine Optimization process. Each time you write an informative article related to your site’s topic, you should distribute it to a number of article directories. When you do that, you are making sure that more people will be visiting your site.

Write a 1000+ words article, forget 500

The average top-ten ranking is two or more years old and the average age for the pages in the number one position is roughly three years old. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a specialized form of content writing that can be extremely effective in boosting the amount of traffic that comes to your website via search engines, like Google and Bing. It’s easy to assume that Google already understands the content and relevance of each and every page on your website, but the fact is that it needs a fair amount of hand-holding. Fortunately, helping Google along really isn’t very difficult at all. From the point of view of search engine optimization an entry in a business directory is important; it makes the website in question easier to find and creates an additional backlink. Google’s featured snippet is a tool through which Google interacts with searchers. The more inputs Google receives from searchers, the better becomes its understanding of what they want.

Number of backlinks to the domain

The mobile version of your website is equally important, if not more important than the desktop version. Mobile-first, they say. Fact is, that your website probably has as many mobile visitors as it has desktop visitors, of course depending on the type of site you have Keywords are still an important part of SEO, but relevance can often be figured in more abstract ways. Building up a bank of keywords that you can pepper across your site will ensure your site will rank highly in search engines, generating you clicks and boosting your income. SEO in Bridlington is here. Search engine optimization has significantly changed in recent years much to the amiss of Google’s guidelines Page load speed is also a ranking factor, especially for mobile.

Use Alt Tags Intelligently To Optimize Images

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "A strong linking structure and other internal SEO best practices can provide that." Create great content. Google’s reputation depends on it leading users to high quality sites, so the better and more original your content is, the more Google will like you. Make sure your title tag is 50-60 characters long, including spaces. Anything longer and Google may cut you short. SEO can be a fuzzy concept that feels like more art than science. Don't let yourself be intimidated; it's easier than you think. The benefits of guest blogging are endless and often underrated. By tapping into already established communities, you can increase your reputation, build high-quality backlinks, get more exposure to your website and much more.

The Cleanup process

It's  no  coincidence that  the  highest-volume keywords also tend to have the highest amount of competition, and of course, the higher the competition, the harder it will be to rank for that keyword. Backlinks  are  the foundation  of  Google's algorithm for determining a site's page rank. There  are  more than  enough  SEO guides on the internet. But only a few of them can be fully applied to a multilingual website, as it needs some specific approach. At  the  same time,  you also need to consider something called 'LSI' or 'Latent Semantic Indexing'. This is basically a fancy term that explains how Google now understands the actual meaning rather than just looking to match words. The way it does this is at least partially by looking for synonyms and related terms when trying to answer questions. In short, do not just use the exact keyphrase but be sure to use lots of relevant and related language. The  meta  description is  not  a ranking factor, but it plays a significant role in optimizing your Click Through Rate (CTR).

Web 2.0 indexing is great for backlinks

Creating  an  SEO strategy  can  give your company and brand a boost in the search engines. Why not improve your ROI today? Stick  to  these good  practices  and you'll be on your way to free traffic. When  searching  on mobile,  there  is a huge difference with the desktop: Google knows exactly where you are and the results you get are customized according to your physical location. In  most  cases, it's  not  the technical issues themselves that hurting your SEO efforts, but the results that are caused by the errors they create. I  would  pursue the  more relevant linking opportunity because the domain is still likely to have some authority and having relevancy, you increase the chance of driving targeted traffic to your site.

Press Releases and Backlinks

Off-Page SEO is made up of everything away from your site that you technically can’t control (although, you can influence) and affects how Google sees your page (particularly how authoritative and trustworthy it sees your page). SEO ranking improves when visitors stay on your site longer, view more pages, and repeat their visits. The more user-friendly your site is, the more likely this is going to happen. Many marketers will have seen a technical SEO checklist in their time. Any time a site migration is approaching or a technical audit is scheduled, a checklist tends to appear. If you execute your keyword research properly, you’ll end up with a long list of search terms you want to be found for. Make sure to search for those terms in Google yourself. What results are there already? Who will be your online competitors for these search terms? What can you do to stand out from these results? Don’t tryto act smart. There are some plugins which allows you to add no follow in external links. If you have applied no follow on the link of your blog, it will be given the priority. You cannot use do follow and no follow simultaneously. This won’t be helpful.

Relevance is the key issue

Take a look at your top ranking and most shared content. Is there overlap? If you’ve found a type of content that is simultaneously strong in search and frequently shared, it’s worth optimizing that content even further. When choosing keywords, be specific without being obscure. Never try to optimize for a single word: instead, think of a string of words that accurately describe what you do. You can use various free online tools to get ideas. Your keyword list should be a living document that you check and update at least once a month. Doing this will ensure that you are always doing keyword research and you will keep an eye on the keywords that are already ranking. Web pages containing matching verbiage will have lower visibility in searches. There are far more unique search queries than generic ones. If you added up the search engine traffic of the most popular keywords, the number would not even come close to the amount of unique, niche keywords. This concept is known as “long-tail theory”.

Don’t guess your site speed problems; diagnose

Ensuring that your content is effective in connecting with the prospects searching for your products or services is crucial. Your web pages should be geared towards focusing on individual topics instead of individual keywords. Change the titles on your least successful pages twice a year. Why? Because obviously those titles weren’t helping your least successful pages. The world is always changing, and you have to keep up. If you do, the rewards can be great. How to fix Google penalties. Text without headings is terrible to read. Headings and subheadings are the most important anchor points a reader has in the text. People tend to read those more carefully and use headings to determine what a text is about. Links aren’t the only factor of importance; you also need to make sure your on-page SEO is up to scratch and that your keyword targeting is on-point.

Getting Started with the SEO Competitive Analysis

We asked an SEO Specialist, Gaz Hall, for his thoughts on the matter: "One of the most common problems for webmasters who run both mobile and desktop versions of a site is that the mobile version of the site appears for users on a desktop computer, or that the desktop version of the site appears when someone accesses it on a mobile device." Competitor analysis is a lot easier when you have the right tools. Google has made it apparent that site speed matter in search rankings, and today, with a bigger emphasis on the user experience than ever before, site speed will continue to be a critical ranking factor. In a Searchmetrics 2016 study into ranking factors, there was an “extremely high” correlation between social signals and Google rankings. However, this couldn’t be accredited to the algorithm, but rather to the “overlap between brand websites performing strongly in social networks and being allocated top positions by Google.” Online shops in particular often face the risk of generating duplicate content. For example, a product might be listed in several categories. If the URL is structured hierarchically, a product can be accessible under multiple URLs. One reliable way to solve this problem is by using a canonical tag. This shows Google which URL is the “original” one and which one is a copy. The Google bot then ignores the copies when crawling your website and only indexes the original URLs.

Localise as many elements as you can

Think of yourself as an asset portfolio manager, because that’s what you are. In the same way fund managers need to analyze company financial data and operational performance before making investment decisions, you need to analyze your SEO competitors to inform your investment decisions. Make sure the article is easy to read, even to those who are new to the topic. Articles that are easy to read will result in less bounce rates and higher conversion rates. Every website page, including your blog, should have at least one call-to-action above the page’s fold -- in other words, don’t make your website visitor scroll down to see the call to action. Calls to action can help SEO by creating an internal link on your website to a specific landing page. Most calls to action are images; therefore you can optimise the image filename and alt text for the primary keyword you’re targeting on the page. How bad hosting can lead to losing SEO rankings Downtime of your website can lead to vastly decreased performance in organic search. Make your descriptive tag engaging. Google and other search platforms will use it to create that little blurb about your site. Users often read these before deciding whether or not to visit a site. Concise, descriptive blurbs draw visitors to your site, sometimes even before sites that rank higher than yours in a search.

Press Releases and Backlinks

On-Page Optimization undoubtedly is a pillar for SEO. If even one pillar fails in having solid base, it will definitely collapse. Hence, On page optimization is a very important aspect of successful Search Engine Optimization. Whether it’s crawling of search engines or indexing the pages or may be improving the ranking of the results, on-page optimization plays a major role in SEO success. Many specialized SEO tools can help you determine the popularity and the competitiveness of your possible keywords and can help improve your search engine ranking particularly in Google. Make sure that the pages on your site are well-linked to each other, particularly the ones you want to appear as sitelinks – Google takes the number of internal/external links into account when judging the importance of pages for sitelinks. The day may come when links are less important to rankings, but that day hasn’t arrived yet. I don't care if you are creating a blog post, ecommerce store page or sales-landing page. It needs to be better than the rest, or else neither Google nor your audience will ever take note.

What Keywords Are Not

When dealing with search engines, the term ‘relevance‘ describes the extent to which the content of a website corresponds to the search term used. Use sub-directories rather than sub-domains when possible. Sub-domains do not share link love from the main domain as it is treated as a different domain. SEO can be quite complicated, but you can absolutely develop a keyword strategy and take care of the essentials on your own. If you’re a business, it may be a good idea to start a blog on your website. Not only will this keep your site up-to-date with fresh content and encourage repeat visits (and increase the frequency of search engine crawlers), but also show that you’re a relevant, trustworthy business. Digital marketing professionals understand the importance of SEO and the need to implement a proper strategy. However, only defining what those keywords are isn’t enough to improve your website’s search engine ranking.

What Keywords Are Not

Write about all those topics that are important to your audience. Use the words you came up with in your keyword research. You need to have content about the topics you want to rank for to start ranking in the search results. Effective Search Engine Optimisation is a time consuming task which requires experience and specialist skills. Many web site providers claim to provide a search engine optimisation service however extremely few UK websites are currently well optimised if their aim is to achieve page 1 SERPS. Google prefers fresh content. Anolder page that’s regularly updated may outperform a newer page. If your website or webpage suddenly or gradually changes focus over time (say from a carpentry guide to a best practice SEO guide – sounds unlikely, but you never know), then anchor text pointing to you will likely change in line with the different topic. Google may then decide that your page has changed so much that the old anchor text is no longer fresh and devalue those older links. Look at any forums, blogs, message boards or other chat services you might be using. In many of these environments, it is acceptable for users to give contact information and even drop links to their websites, as long as they do it in a certain way.

Identify and Track Your Best Prospects

Many marketers will have seen a technical SEO checklist in their time. Any time a site migration is approaching or a technical audit is scheduled, a checklist tends to appear. Hopefully your website is laid out in a way that allows users to easily find the content or pages that you want to promote. Focus on building trust as opposed to trying to bend and break the rules. That way, you rise above Google's often-changing rules which are getting better and better at finding people who are looking for shortcuts. SEO in East Yorkshire is here. After choosinga domain name, optimizing the URLs for your pages is the next SEO step. SEO for your page URLs is important because keywords in the URL are a ranking factor and short and descriptive URLs can help with link building and user interaction. Like your visitors, search engines read a URL to get a clue for the contents of the page. Your keyword list should be a living document that you check and update at least once a month. Doing this will ensure that you are always doing keyword research and you will keep an eye on the keywords that are already ranking.

Review your website’s design

According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "Search engines (and users) look to the site architecture for clues as to what pages are most important. A key factor is how many clicks from the home page it takes to reach a page" The recent statistics show that there are over 1.2 billion websites hosted on the internet today. And, there are also numerous websites that are competing for specific keywords on popular search engines. Google prefers sites that are easy to navigate. This means having solid navigation in your top menu and other places on your site (like your sidebar and footer). It also allows Google to easily find related pages on your site. You can use some practical tools that’ll make it much easier to find keywords. You will still have to make a short list yourself (no corners to cut there), but once you have ten to twenty proper keywords, you can use several tools to find similar keywords. Using these tools will significantly speed up the process of coming up with long lists of keywords. In the same way a landscape architect needs to understand the elements of the property he is designing for in order to achieve the goals of the project, you need to understand how your website stacks up to your competitors, what gold (or iron) may be underneath the surface, and how your surrounding environment can impact the outcome of your campaign.

SEO thats shines above the rest

SEO-friendly content doesn’t have to be difficult or time-consuming, provided that you understand how on-page SEO can work alongside your content. To be successful in SEO, you need to know a site's mission, brand, target audience, and operations--and know those factors intimately. The only way to do that is to have agencies and clients work closely together throughout the process. Less than 10% of the users in the most active internet countries have broadband. 

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The faster your website loads, the better rank your site will have on Google and other major search engines. Local hosting will also typically help reduce page load speeds, so this is another benefit of setting up local servers. Enter one of your keywords into the search box of the search engine of your choice to determine the sites with the top search engine placement for this word. You are aiming for keywords that are frequently used by your target audience, but do not have many competing pages. The key to quality SEO is all about research research research.

Why won’t people engage with my content?

The online audience has evolved and expectations are high. They are mobile, they are time poor and they live in a world wher sharing ideas and content on social networks is just a natural part of consuming online content. As Google’s preferred configuration for mobile-optimized websites, responsive design is your best option for delivering a great search and browsing experience to mobile users. Your SEO strategy might include links to other websites or pages within your own website. Sometimes pages are no longer available and content is permanently removed from a website. When that happens, website visitors land on a 404 error page. Double-check the links on your website to ensure pages haven’t been taken down without your knowledge. Websites with fresh content added on a regular basis are given more authority, and rank higher in the search results. Fresh content tells Google you are maintaining your website. How recently your webpage was published is also a ranking signal – but different types of searches have different freshness needs, such as searches for recent events, hot topics, and regularly recurring events.2
