SEO Information

This site has lots of information about SEO and Search Engine optimisation in general

SEO Information

This site has lots of information about SEO and Search Engine optimisation in general

Don’t put all your eggs in Google’s basket

An authority website doesn’t necessarily have to be one of the usual big publishers. If you’re a niche website or blog with high quality, relevant content, you can be as highly regarded as any other source. Increase visibility to your optimized content by sharing it on social networks and building links to your content. Be sure to create internal and build external links from outside sites. Make a list of the keywords for which you want to rank highly. Does the content you share on social media and your blog cover those keywords? Zero in on one or two of your most desirable keywords and find ways to make content under those keywords more shareable. Many details are involved in good SEO, from the words on each page, the words used in Page Titles, H tags, internal links, alt tags, image file names, on-site content and on-site content types, consistent name, address and phone number information (NAP), social signals, local signals, citations from other sites, how fast your site loads, the presence of a SSL certificate, the sites that you link to elsewhere on the Web, the websites that link to you, and the structure, code and placement of that code on your site. Strategically written website copy includes well-thought-out internal links and calls to action.

Researching for Searcher Intent

Mobile SEO is a challenge for digital marketers. The screen being small and of low resolution hinders searches from scrolling down to the bottom of a page, let alone be going to the next page. You can speed up the process of getting useful links by connecting with content curators. Every Search Engines use different complex mathematical algorithms for generating Search Results. Different Search Engines perceive different elements of a web page including page title, content, meta description and then come up with their results to rank on. Each Search Engine’s algorithm are different, so if you rank on Google does not definitely mean that you will rank on Google. By performing Search Engine Optimization on a website, it is possible to make that website show up more often in search results, as well as higher on the list of results given when search engine users search for similar stuff on those various search engines. Dramatic growth in the interaction between offline and online marketing necessitates investment by organizations of all kinds in a successful search strategy.

Who links back to my site?

Although bounce rate is hard to measure you should definitely monitor the trend of your bounce rate and the differences in bounce rate between your pages. If a specific page has a very high bounce rate, you should try to figure out what’s the cause. You could add links to other useful pages or call to actions to keep people on your site. Organic results are listings of web pages that appear as a result of the search engine’s algorithm and the content itself. The anchor text you use for a link should provide at least a basic idea of what the page linked to is about. Anchor text diversification is all about not having the text links. A good link profile is not just backlinks. Stated another way, backlinks are just one component of the link profile. There is a deeper complexity to the backlink discussion. Like most SEO professionals, nothing wrecks my digestive system more than an organic traffic drop with no apparent reason.

Add Modifiers to Title

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Which keywords are the fastest to page 1? Fastest to the top 5?" Do your maths - its one of the primary resourcesfor this sort of thing.Your Title Tags are far-and-away the most important places to put your keywords. SEO is about providing value, not tricking search engines into ranking you higher. Have you ever wondered why delivers different results for a user in the US than for a user in Germany? SEO isn’t a quick tactic that will suddenly boost traffic to your website; it’s a long-term commitment,

You have an opportunity to write something and rank

The biggest factor in the SEO revolution is the rise of content. Instead of stung blog posts with the right formatting and wording to make it to the top of search results, users are looking for quality content (not basic or timely information) more than ever. So is Google. Onpage optimization (AKA on-page SEO) refers to all measures that can be taken directly within the website in order to improve its position in the search rankings. If you want to achieve a higher ranking on Google and other search engines, you’ll need to get serious about search engine optimization. The better your content is organized and the more quality you provide, the higher Google will put your site on the search results related to your niche. There is no one-size-fits-all solution for a search engine optimization strategy. Every company, whether large or small, needs to first set some specific business goals and objectives. From there, it’s possible to find your marketing opportunities and set a strategy that matches your current size and goals for growth.

Don’t put all your eggs in Google’s basket

Panda has ensured that publishing poor quality content to earn rankings simply isn't effective anymore. And Penguin ensures that traditional link building can be risky and dangerous to search engine visibility. Caffeine's Freshness update has obfuscated large swaths of keyword data used to measure SEO success. In short, Google is looking for signs of quality, relevance and great design. At the end of the day, Google does not care about you as a content creator. You are not Google’s customer! Google’s customer is the end user who searches for a keyphrase because they want to get relevant information or find the answer to a question. The best way to create content that converts is to use emotion in your copy and evoke a desire for what you’re offering. User experience factors that improve mobile sites are related to better SEO rankings; external links continue to decline in importance Whenbuilding your content, you’ll want to include localized keywords so that the search engines know you have offices and operate in certain locations.

People rarely take free SEO advice

Most webmasters believe Google crawls their website in one go and will continue until everything’s crawled. With the likes of Google Analytics and other tracking software, it can be much easier to measure the reach and success of your local SEO efforts than it is to measure the success of non-digital marketing methods. With methods such as flyer drops and broadcast advertising, which tend to require long-term campaigns to build brand recognition and trust, it’s particularly difficult to measure just how many people engaged with your advertising and converted into customers as a result. Understanding how search engines work is an important component of SEO. The search engines are constantly tuning their algorithms Putting your individuality and personality across throughout the off-site SEO process (outreach emails, guest posts, social shares, etc.) makes others more likely to engage with you. Craft your unique selling proposition (USP) based on your own personality and the way you can best solve your customers’ problems. Just like they have for on-page SEO, technical aspects of SEO have changed as search engines have become more sophisticated.

Conduct keyword research for local terms

Content strategy and execution is a discipline in its own right. If you are looking to build a genuinely compelling brand experience shortcuts cannot be taken. Anchor text has been ahuge talking point within SEO for many years now. When Google demotes your page for duplicate content practices, and there’s nothing left in the way of unique content to continue ranking you for – your web pages will mostly be ignored by Google. Stay on top of relevant trends, create “how-to” blog posts, and frequently update older content to make sure you’re continuing to serve your audience with useful and timely information even after it’s initially published. An organic search strategy that involves a dedicated consumer focused approach is highly recommended. This entails total brand presence and not just keywords, understanding customer behavior, consumption preferences, needs and conversion paths.

Be mindful of structure

User experience is critical to SEO, so it may be a good idea to test how it affects the traffic to your site. Sitelinks are additional links which appear beneath the main URL for a brand or publisher when you search for it on Google. They deep link to other pages within your site, and are designed by Google to “help users navigate your site”. Having a company blog canreally help with your SEO efforts. It’s something you can update regularly with relevant content, which Google will pick up on each time it crawls your site. But when you’re writing your posts, it’s important to make them as SEO-friendly as possible in order to see the best results with your search engine rankings. SEO in Withernsea is here. Good ways to boost readability include breaking up sub-topics within your content, using images and videos to help explain difficult concepts, and visually highlighting one or two quotable sound bites that illustrate key points. Optimizing for user intent is not just about providing solutions or using synonyms. The majority of SEO campaigns are built around driving revenue and whilst rankings are great and indicative of campaign success, in reality you won’t retain clients without providing ROI.

Use Headers — Wisely

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "From its earliest days, Google's core search algorithm offered the most relevant and most organic search results quickly and accurately on a simple site with an iconic logo that has now become synonymous with the search giant's business. Searching amidst the world's vast data, Google cleverly cataloged and categorized pages using its PageRank formula, which assessed the quantity and power of links to any given webpage." Do your maths - its one of the primary resourcesfor this sort of thing.Quality content rules the digital landscape, yes — but what’s often forgotten is that even the best and most authoritative content needs to be built with the modern Internet in mind. More and more we are seeing the use of keyword clustering from sites that are making it beyond the scope of mediocre search results and traffic margins. The well-publicised Panda and Penguin updates have had a significant (and in my view, positive) impact on the discipline of SEO. Audit your site using tools such as Google’s PageSpeed Insights or Pingdom’s speed test to quickly compile a list of options to help give your site a little more zip. You may even need to review your hosting service if it’s holding you back…

Just because you have similar keyword rankings does not always mean you are direct competitors

Really good SEO is a process and it requires a detailed and well thought out plan. You cannot expect to execute quality SEO without listing out what you’re going to do, documenting yourself along the way, and executing step by step. When creating new content ask yourself: what the goal of that content is? What information do you need to include? Who is your target audience? What language do they use? What questions your visitors looking to answer? By taking a moment to think about real humans and your target audience you’ll be able to create content that will not only rank well in the search engines but lead to better engagement with your website visitors. Any link to another part of the same site is called an internal link. As well as links you'd expect to find (within a site menu bar, for example) you can also create internal links by linking to past posts within newer ones. Keyword research can be time-consuming, but rewarding when done properly. Although word count doesn’t rule the SEO world – nobody will read your stuff if it’s not helpful to them.

People rarely take free SEO advice

Build a great series of appropriate backlinks on your site. Have your keyword phrases be in the titles of said links. Make sure that these network links are related to your content, otherwise they could possibly work against you. Using backlinks is a great way to bring in traffic from various areas. Your title tag needs to be written for humans – as in it needs to make logical sense, rather than a keyword stuffed mess. The title tag will appear in a variety of places, from SERPs, to a social share, to the browser tab, so make sure it’s relevant and readable. Spam links often go both ways. A website that links to spam is likely spam itself, and in turn often has many spam sites linking back to it. Review your h1 tags across your site, using a crawler to find them all if required. Do they all describe the page accurately? Do they use the keyword target? And do they match the title tag in what they say the page is about? Google wants users the most relevant results for their search. The more relevant your content is to their search, the more likely your website will be number 1 on Google.

SERP Analysis

Search engines also assess, in great detail, the technical aspects of your website. For example, how quickly the site loads plays a major role in your website ranking. Search engines also take into account how accessible your server is. Because, ultimately, Google and other search engines want to provide the best possible search results. So, the aim is to guide visitors to sites which work well, and which can always be accessed and used. Community hijacking involves finding online communities that are made up of your target market, or people that can reach your target market so that you can build a relationship with them and get them to promote your content/brand/product(s). If your site had a stable flow of traffic and then it began to bounce in an instant, it’s obvious something suspicious is going on. Luckily, Google Search Console can help you notice a sudden spike or drop in search traffic so make sure you use it. It’s worth noting that there are SEOs who prefer using TF (Trust Flow) and CF (Citation Flow) from Majestic when checking their competitors authority and trust levels. A proximity search uses the order of the search phrase to find related documents.

Bring Your Customers Back

Links with longevity suggests that your site is an established voice for whatever topic it covers. The quality and quantity of links you have pointing to your site has a direct bearing on how highly it ranks in organic search results. It is recommended to take a holistic approach to SEO and consider all factors. The days of being able to manipulate one or two isolated metrics are gone. Visiting a website and sticking in your credit card details in return for thousands of links remains an option but presents a greater risk than ever before. An infinitenumber of niches are waiting for someone to claim them. I’d ask yourself where you want to be, and see if you can find a path from a tiny specific niche to a slightly bigger niche and so on, all the way to your desired goal. Sometimes it’s easier to take a series of smaller steps instead of jumping to your final goal in one leap.

More focus is put on searcher intent

Users don’t like to wait, and we are becoming more and more accustomed to the fast load times, which means your site will be left in the dust when a user must wait. There arethousands of millions of pages on the web, all ready to present the information on a variety of interesting and amusing topics. The Search Engines are the messengers of the same information at your disposal whenever you need them. Off page SEO deals with trying to get other websites to tell Google what your website is about as well as that it’s an authority in the industry and a website that they can trust to show in their results. This is done through acquiring backlinks from other websites (known as “link building”). Anchor text diversification is all about not having the text links. On-page optimisation refers to the best writing and content implementation practices you should follow when putting new content on your site. Once you get to know the elements of the page that Google and other search engines consider important, it’s easy to get into the habit of checking them off every time you add a new page to your site. The biggest and most obvious “no-no” is the buying of links. You should never pay for a link. Ever. These are old “black hat” link building tactics that were common in the past, but are now an immediate sign of trouble on the horizon.

Are Keywords – and Keyword Research – Dead?

Gaz Hall, a Freelance SEO Consultant from SEO Hull, commented: "Use keywords relevant to your products and services that your customers are searching for, especially in your Title Tags and internal links." Do your maths - its one of the primary resources for this sort of thing.Google is also now looking at things like bounce rates – how long someone spends on your website. And it is looking at how your site renders on mobile and how quickly it loads. You can now get penalized for typos and mistakes. Content (marketing copy, etc) may be king when it comes to converting visitors, but for search engine rankings, link weight, domain authority and intelligent distribution of link weight appears to be much more effective, even when it means removing content. If you are taking the time to create, publish and promote content to build backlinks, it’s smart to measure your progress. Smart content is about takingthe financial investment that companies make in their content development and channeling it towards a more effective and data-driven strategy.

Identify and Track Your Best Prospects

Just as Google has always been focused on providing its users with the best results, now it’s time to put your focus on what’s most important for your audience. All search engines deliver results based on relevancy and popularity, but how they determine what’s relevant is what differentiates them from each other. All search engines crawl and index the web, but each have their own algorithms (super complex systematical equations) for ordering the information. The more pages you have give you more of a chance to rank well for a more diverse set of keyword phrases: this should technically lead to more traffic from Google, Yahoo and Bing. Increase visibility to your optimized content by sharing it on social networks and building links to your content. Be sure to create internal and build external links from outside sites. You can signal relevancy of your content to search engines by using keywords for your image file name, alt tag, title, description and caption.

SERP Analysis

Google Panda and Penguin stopped keyword stuffing in its tracks making it not just not ideal but counter productive. Don’t stuff your footer with all kind of irrelevant links. Keep it focused, make sure these links are helping your visitor. Google will find all relevant pages if you focus on a good site structure anyway. Every SEO strategy focusing on making the best website possible, will make a website more usable and user-friendly. For sites “with just a few things to mark up,” Google also offers a tool within Search Console that allows a site owner to quickly click-and-drag to apply structured data. You want your company’s name to be one of the first results that they see.

Images That Build You Links

Search engines decide rankings on what is called the results page. You will sometimes see me use the term SERP, which is the acronym for Search Engine Results Page. In a Google search, the search engine makes its decisions based on signals from websites and the person searching. is of primary importance to have relevant backlinks coming in to your website. Mind you! The links should have relevancy to the content of your page. The more the number of relevant backlinks coming in to your website, the more importance and authority you have in the eyes of search engines. Therefore, backlinks becomes an important factor in determining where the page appears in SERPs (Search Engine Results Page). While the page meta data (page description and keywords) are not nearly as important as they used to be, they still count. Take advantage of them by putting your keyword or phrase there. To ensurethat your website or web pages are discovered by users conducting searches in Google, you must implement the right tactics that appeal to the needs of users and search engines alike. Keep track of how many times your past keywords have yielded expected results. Use the right tools to track where you rank for the keywords you target.

The power of inbound links.

If you have a blog, you can submit it to various blog directories. Like all other directories, some pass value, while others are crap. We’ve known for a while that Google isn’t the way people find content anymore. Audiences live on social, and it’s the primary source of new information. Still, the new era of search has taken a prominent role as a place where people are looking for solutions. You find solutions on Google every day, but it may have become such a part of your daily routine that you haven’t realize how easy it is. Gaining backlinks is tough, as it involves convincing a website to share your website with their audience. It’s a hustle to pitch your proposition to these websites, which usually is a guest post, sponsored link or asking if they would link to a resource on your site. Simply put, engagement is the ability to hold a user’s attention. In SEO terms, it is a measure of the amount of time spent on a page. Although Google hasn’t officially declared it, there is evidence to suggest that this search engine giant does reward sites with strong user engagement with higher page ranking. Good formatting can instantly improve your page’s readability. This, in turn, can improve your engagement rate.

Get People Talking About Your Brand

Another important factor is the way that the sites link to you, sites that use the rel=nofollow tag to link to you or sites that use a redirect to link to you will not help you, also the search engines look at the text that links to you. Smart content improves the effectiveness and ROI of the material produced by making itself more discoverable and consumable. There issignificant traffic to be gained by optimizing for video search engines and participating in them. Once again, these are binary files and the search engine cannot easily tell what is inside them You can read an onsite SEO beginners guide here. You can reach out to higher trafficked websites that people in your prime demographic are reading, and ask if you can write a blog post for them. Create a quality piece of valuable content and use your bio at the bottom of the post to create a compelling picture of the products or services you offer and link to your website. Earning links from high domain authority sites (determine this with a tool like Mozbar) is the #1 thing you can do to drive visibility of your site up. When you've selected your focus keyword, ensure it is found in your title tag, h1 tag, meta description, article text and make sure that relevant keywords are also be found throughout the content as well as h2 tags.

Rank Content in Google's Featured Snippet

According to SEO Consultant, Gaz Hall: "Understanding how search engines work is an important component of SEO. The search engines are constantly tuning their algorithms" Don't feel obligated to purchase a search engine optimization service. Some companies claim to "guarantee" high ranking for your site in Google's search results. While legitimate consulting firms can improve your site's flow and content, others employ deceptive tactics in an attempt to fool search engines. If your blog lists your individual posts in order of the date that they were published, like most blogs do, then the older your blog post gets, the lower down the website architecture it goes. Creating infographics that give detailed information about your niche is another great way to build links. People using your infographics will be required to place a link to your site (where they obtained the infographic), thus giving you an easy backlink from a site relevant to your niche. On page optimization is very essential to gain visibility in the search results as without optimizing your on page factors, you won’t be found in the Search Engines.

The most time consuming aspect is checking statistics

clear, direct URL is the best route to take in order to ensure that users know what they’re getting from your website and are prepared to click on it. In many cases, this can also help your ranking as an added bonus. Be aware of long-tail keywords, which are usually three to four words in length. The longer the keyword, the more specific it is. That means lower competition and, often, higher conversion rates by nature. The search engines focus on quality content, with articles that are longer than 2,000 words often being featured on page one. With that in mind, it’s worth scheduling some long-form posts into your content calendar. SEO isn’t magic or voodoo. I know some SEO consultants will make you believe they possess magical powers and only they can optimize your website, but don’t listen to them. When pursuing a link, which is more important, relevance or authority?

Images That Build You Links

Stop marketing to audiences and instead market to customers at scale. It doesn’t matter how many searches a keyword has in a month if it doesn’t accurately reflect the content on your page! While changing the URL and metadata for your content isn’t exactly using social to win at SEO, to us it’s all the same process. That’s because within our CMS we’ve created tools that set up SEO right from the Entry Editor — before the content is even published. This methodology has been very successful at improving overall whole page relevance while still being adaptable to new sorts of answers. Off-page SEO factors are as important as on-page SEO factors. To have a successful SEO optimisation, both should be done. Earlier it was still easy to rank by building spammy links but, after the penguin and panda updates, its much difficult.

Understanding the rationale behind indexing backlinks

URL is one of the first things a search engine uses to determine page rank, which is why it is really important to make your URLs easy to crawl. The Google Search Console is an important basis for website monitoring. Not only is the sitemap.xml uploaded to the Search Console, you also obtain important data about the most common keywords used to find the website on Google. In addition, the Search Console also informs you about hacked websites and warnings to unnatural links. Search Engines are not humans. They do not read your content; they just evaluate it, based on text, language analysis and other factors. If you use the right mixture of keywords, link juice and backlink strategies, you will manage to get a good rank on SERPs. Content is a powerful marketing tool. When it comes to SEO, monitoring for keywords and changes in your website’s backlink profile is one of the most tedious tasks. Search engine algorithms are designed to detect content that was written for the sole purpose of boosting search engine traffic.

Why is it important to know user intent and how can we identify it?

Internal links help Google establish site architecture and relative intra-site importance of webpages. For this reason, you should have internal links both on a site-wide & on-page, in-content basis. The actual number of internal links per page will vary & depend on the utility offered to users (once again). If you’re not blessed with excellent writing skills, outsource this job to somebody who is. With 75 percent of companies currently increasing their content marketing budget, it’s apparent that content can no longer be treated as a part-time job. Outsourcing content creation to dedicated writers allows for consistent, high quality publishing, fresh perspectives, insight into best practices and better leveraging of resources. Errors record page requests that failed. Server errors are identified by status codes. HTML markup errors are identified passively by crawlers. Major search engines report errors in their dashboards Search engine optimization works best when errors are identified and corrected. Prove that you are trustworthy by connecting as closely as possible to high authority sites. Use structured data to further explain your topics. In the past, Google has stated that the country within which a website is hosted is a very small factor in their international ranking algorithms. So try to have servers set up in your target countries. For example, if your company is based in the UK and you have a .fr extension of your site, have the .fr domain extension site hosted on a server in France.

When to Consolidate Content for Maximum Impact

Stop using keywords in your URLs. Why? Because if you don’t know how to optimize a page without slamming keywords into the URLs, you don’t know how to optimize a Web page. To improve content performance, brands need to stop producing content for content’s sake and instead produce smart content: It is worth noting that when it comes to link building, it is very difficult to find a site owner willing to give you a link freely. Usually you give something back in return. SEO in Hessle is here. How do your competitors rank? Pick out a keyword for which you want to optimize your site. Check out the top 20 search results: Are your competitors somewhere in there? What is your ranking for this keyword? This information should help you to find a good niche for you and your keywords, where your competitors are not operating. It may also be that you find keywords for which it is worth joining the competition. Outliers are the actual reason why we study average and median numbers separately. Quite a few pages rank for an enormous amount of keywords, which drives the “average” numbers up.

SEO sitelink best practice

According to Gaz Hall, a UK SEO Consultant : "I highly recommend starting off with building out resources their target audience would care about, want to share on social media, and want to link to." The amount of time and effort spent in pushing the content and links for a Website as close to the limit of what search engines allow in their guidelines is better spent creating unique, interesting, and helpful content. If the content were really that good to begin with there would be no desire to test the guidelines to find an advantage. SEO hasmatured. It is a serious business, and most brands invest a lot of time and effort into it. Having a different description meta tag for each page helps both users and Google, especially in searches where users may bring up multiple pages on your domain (e.g. searches using the site: operator). The quality of the content you create and post to your website and on social media sites will have an impact on how people feel about your website, and if they ever visit at all.

Stay Focused on the Long-Term

When you've selected your focus keyword, ensure it is found in your title tag, h1 tag, meta description, article text and make sure that relevant keywords are also be found throughout the content as well as h2 tags. Search engines use links to discover when new webpages have been created and to help determine how well a page should rank in their results. Google Analytics will be able to tell you where those converting visitors came from. And specifically, you’ll be able to see if someone who used your search term eventually ended up buying your product. The basic thing you need to remember when doing SEO is that you want to get as many links from as many high quality websites as possible. This can be a difficult thing since getting your links approved can take a lot of time. If you are trying to increase the visibility of your site all on your own, you are going to need to become a student of search engine optimization. There are several great books that you can read to begin to get introduced to the world of search engine optimization.

Understanding the rationale behind indexing backlinks

In the coming times, content from social media such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn will gain more importance on the SERPs Being listed at the top of the results not only provides the greatest amount of traffic, but also instills trust in consumers as to the worthiness and relative importance of the company or website. The permalink is the full URL you see – and use – for any given post, page or other pieces of content on your site. It’s a permanent link, hence the name permalink. It doesn’t take hundreds to see the needle move, especially with Google’s ever-improving ability to detect low quality and manipulative links. Humans are lazy creatures (That is probably the reason the ready-to-make food sell so much). They don’t have the patience to wait too long for anything. A faster loading website gives the user an amazing experience, which tempts him to come back again to visit your website. It acts like bait to them.